Sunday 2 February 2014

Betweens, bodkins and .....

The sewing I have been doing recently has been seriously challenging me. Not so much in terms of the sewing but more in terms in what needle I should be using to do it. I used betweens for years without really even thinking about it . Now as I start to sew with embroidery threads of different thickness onto felt and want to sew beads on, my old trusted friends really don't work.

Firstly the eyes are too small for the embroidery threads and then the eyes and thread are too big for the hole in the beads. So I started randomly choosing from the other needles in my eclectic and very disorganized needle collection. In the end I realized had to get a grip as fighting with the threads and needles was taking just too much time.

So first a stock take., throwing anything rusted away first !, Some of them are more like daggers than needles.

Now perhaps I can understand to the problem. I had loads of bodkins , from all the knitting , and I had my betweens. I had two beading needles , that were incredibly fine and pretty useless. I hardly had anything that might be described as a sharp , or embroidery needle. These needles I have also discovered come , not really surprisingly in a large variety of sizes !. So armed with this knowledge I can go and buy some targeted new needles. If anyone has any advice on this subject I'd love to hear from you.

In the meantime here a bit of the sewing that lead me to this needle clear out.

Hopefully it will be better sewing and more enjoyable with the right needles


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