Friday 22 February 2013

Felt paper

This week I have enjoyed myself making and using felt paper. This was a new experience for me and one that I had not thought about until I tried. It was easy enough. Take a small piece of mosquito net and spread out a thin layer of fibres, place a second piece of mosquito net on top. Using a sponge saturate the net sandwich with wall paper paste. Then leave to dry. Once it is dry the nets can be peeled off leaving a felt paper . The paper can be cut into shapes and incorporated in to a felt item. I made papers from merino , silk fibres and mixes of merino and silk.

In my case I use lots to try and mirror an effect I got when making a collage with tissue paper. The consequence was that once the paste was wet again , it turned very sticky and I had to add a lot of water and carefully rub the surface for a long time to remove the paste . The skill must be to do this without moving anything. I found this very hard to do and everything started to slide around and head off the prefelt I had made as the background.

Here is a piece from my collage and the same piece represented in a felt with both some low relief and a lot of felt paper.

I will use felt paper again , and next time I will be more prepared for the wallpaper paste slide effect .

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